Cybertext yearbook 2000


Eskelinen, Markku; Koskimaa, Raine
951-39-0905-0; 1457-6899
Jyväskylän yliopisto. Department of Art and Culture Studies / The Research Centre for Contemporary Culture / Taiteiden ja kulttuurin tutkimuksen laitos / Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskus
Publications of the Research Centre for Contemporary Culture / Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja (68)

The cutting edge even the print heads can't avoid… There exist a few things all the practitioners in the networked and programmable media can agree upon: we are facing new aesthetic and literary and textual objects functioning in ways that run counter to the basic assumptions of dominant theories.

The articles in this Yearbook take their cue from Espen Aarseth's definition of cybertextuality, describing and exploring the communicational strategies of dynamic texts.

The cybertext theory may not solve all the problems and riddles in the rapidly expanding field of digital textuality, but it is the most heuristic and reliable point of departure so far. Here too it is a perspective allowing us to make elementary sense of the medium and start talking across traditions, practices, conventions and technologies.

With the mix of scholarly articles, interviews, and technical papers, this book hopes to create a broad forum for cybertext discussion, in which practitioners, developers, designers, users, critics, and scholars may participate

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