Cybertext yearbook 2002-2003
5,00 €
With a special section on Ergodic Poetry
Koskimaa, Raine; Eskelinen, Markku; Glazier, Loss Pequeno; Cayley, John
951-39-1608-1; 1457-6899
University of Jyväskylä. Department of Art and Culture Studies / The Research Centre for Contemporary Culture / Taiteiden ja kulttuurin tutkimuksen laitos / Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskus
Publications of the Research Centre for Contemporary Culture / Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja (77)
The cutting edge even the print heads can't avoid…
This new Cybertext Yearbook is a double issue, to give the reader both thematic unity and diversity in the same package. Ergodic poetry seems to be seriously, curiously and undeservedly underrepresented in current discussions on new media and literature. Also, its transition to the digital realm or era was much less dramatic and hype-ridden than what was the case with prose. In other words, what we have here on ergodic poetry is for the most part a mature discourse.
The second part of the yearbook is a series of supplements to previous yearbooks and continues their strategy of showing diversity within diversity from muds, vogs, and generators to biopoetry, and hermenutia. As always, ergodic, electronic and digital literatures are best handled with care and without reducing the legion of practices to the jurisdiction of any orthodoxy.
"I do hope there will be Cybertext Yearbook 2002. And more later. What Eskelinen and Koskimaa are doing is extremely important to the study of the multifarious intersections between new media and narrative, for there is a yawning chasm at the heart of digital studies.
Cybertext Yearbooks remain some of the best cutting-edge reads around for the literary digerati." -American Book Review
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