Campus guide


Architecture, history and attractions at the University of Jyväskylä
Hummastenniemi, Heidi; Hyvönen, Marja-Liisa; Ilves, Anni; Koski, Minerva; Myyrä, Sinikka; Nurminen, Maiju; Vuorinen, Pirjo
978-951-39-6673-7; 2342-8805
University of Jyväskylä. Tiedemuseo
Julkaisuja (28)

The three campuses of the University of Jyväskylä - Seminaarinmäki, Mattilanniemi and Ylistönrinne - constitute a multifaceted cultural and natural environment that prompts you to find out more about the University's long cultural-historical continuum.

The Teacher Seminary, the Summer University, the College of Education and the University have influenced the architecture, art and parks of the campuses in various ways, producing a rich and unique ensemble.

This guide will help you broaden your knowledge of the campuses - you can dive into their history and time travel to the recent past.

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